The story “Beowulf” begins with a monster named Grendel, who was split into a thousand forms of evil spirits and goblins. Grendel lived in the darkness of the night. His mind was as quick as his claws, and he never second guessed killing anyone. He was so delighted with the killings he made, that once he killed them he would run with their bodies letting the blood drip from their corpse. One day a man named Beowulf ventured to Denmark, where he ran into the evil Grendel. Beowulf was believed to be the strongest person alive, and therefore was loved by everyone. Beowulf knew that he would have to use his great strength to help the people of Denmark and defeat Grendel.While Beowulf was preparing to fight the kind people threw a banquet in honor of him, for they knew he would have to fight for his life against this great evil. All the townsmen believed that Beowulf would come out with a great victory, even though they know great danger comes along with fighting this monster. The fight will be held on the thrashing seas and will take five long nights.
ReplyDeleteYou provided a summary rather than addressin the posted questions. Perhaps you should go back and take another look at what the assignment was asking for.
Oh my gosh! I dread Beowolf! But this is a a very good job Ash (:
ReplyDeletelove you <3